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Read time: 6 minutes. Originally I wanted to write something about the Canon R5 Mark II. The camera that I was lucky enough to get when it was released earlier
Photography from a rather technical perspective.
Read time: 6 minutes. Originally I wanted to write something about the Canon R5 Mark II. The camera that I was lucky enough to get when it was released earlier
For my last photo trip some criteria were in my head: I wanted to go to an island, not too big so that I could reach everywhere in a day
A mural painting by Alberto Corazón situated at the “Puerta Cerrada” square in Madrid, Spain shows the ancient motto of the city: “I was built over water, my walls are
Finnish Lapland in winter. This winter is long, approximately seven months. Average temperatures are between -9 and -17 °C in February. That means occasionally they will drop well below -20°C.
Daylight is available for roughly 5-6 hours per day. So, why go there for vacation, right? … Continue readingFinnish Lapland & Polar Lights
Mauritius is an island nation. So, technically you are visiting a paradise island and you can cross off another “country visited” from your bucket list. The island is located off the southeast coast of the African continent, right in the Indian Ocean. It is very beautiful. But as with most paradise islands there is more to it than just the paradise. Let me explain. … Continue readingMauritius Island